Training in Basic Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations


This course is designed for crews of oil and chemical tankers who have not previously worked on board such vessels or just need to refresh and learn new concepts as established by regulation V/I, paragraph 1(b) of the Convention for International Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for seafarers, STCW/78 as amended.


The participant having completed the course will be able to develop specific duties related to loading, loading equipment, unloading (not under your responsibility), cargo handling, tank cleaning and prevention contamination.


This course is available for active seafarers who have not necessarily worked on oil tankers and chemical tankers as a regular part of the crew, but must have completed basic courses in Tables A VI/1-1; A VI/1-2; A VI/1-3 and A VI/1-4 of the STCW/78 code amended.

Duration: Five (5) Days