On the 29 October 2019, members of MatPal’s administration, lecturers/captains and cadets went to into the Abary village’s stelling to conduct an outreach to the local fishermen and boat owners. They were informed about some of the safety regulations and rules when working on the sea and were encouraged to join the MatPal Marine institute to further their skills to become professionals in their field.
Captain Dorway and Captain Bissessar engaged the men on a one on one basis and had the chance to impart wisdom and knowledge from their own experience. Fliers and brochures were shared with every person that was easily accessible.
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019
- Abary Outreach, Oct. 2019